Cultural Appropriation in Global Music

Cultural appropriation has been prominent in the music industry for decades now.  Many prominent white musicians have been accused of borrowing aspects of African American culture (AAC) in order to make a profit off what people of colour were once punished for doing (Johnson, 2015). Some of the most celebrated musicians in the industry have... Continue Reading →

Global Film – Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians broke down boundaries as the first film to come out of Hollywood in 25 years with an all Asian cast and an Asian-American lead. The film took the world by storm in 2018, upon its release, when it became the highest-grossing romantic comedy in the past decade, making $237 million worldwide at the... Continue Reading →

Meme Warfare

Memes are an emergent medium which has the potential to provoke conversation and change, but how do they now have the power to run a democracy? Memes – Greek for “that which is imitated” - once defined as self-replicating units of culture. Memes have become a segment of media that is uncensored, copied rapidly and... Continue Reading →

Interpretation – Thinx Advertisements

Images are complex. They can suggest one meaning to an individual, but an alternate meaning to someone else. This is through the world of semiotics. In semiotics, we must break an image down to the signifier and the signified (Lanir, 2019). Often this may be as simple as the red light on a traffic light. The... Continue Reading →

The medium is the message

Marshall McLuhan said, "the medium is the message" (Understanding Media, 1964). His thoughts suggested that mediums are "any extension of ourselves". Content can have no effect on the medium itself, but the medium can change how we interact with the content. What is meant by this is that it is not the physical medium itself, it... Continue Reading →

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